School Speakers

Pickstar has a huge range of celebrities, sports stars and educators available for guest speaking, workshops & more.

Trusted By

Passion and inspiration are critical during a student's education, and what better way to achieve this than through a guest speaker?

Find someone to empower your next school event:
Graduations, Staff Training, Ceremonies, Awards Nights, Sporting Events, Annual/Culturally Significant Events, or create your own.

See below why hundreds of schools across Australia have been using Pickstar to educate & inspire their students in a big way.

Why so many schools choose Pickstar

  • School speakers for every budget

    Answer a few simple questions about your budget and requirements and submit a request - we can work with any budget.

  • Best fit stars

    Pickstar will match you with the best stars for your school and they'll apply for your opportunity at the budget you set.

  • Quick booking process

    Once stars apply, you can then choose to book them. You'll only pay once you've confirmed the star(s) you want.

Try the Pickstar platform

It is FREE to start a request and there’s no commitment until you 'Book'.

What Other Schools Are Saying About Pickstar